How to add and invite members

  1. Go to My Groups and click the group where you want to add members:

    Sidebar with arrow pointing at My Groups

  2. Click Members:

    members button in sidebar

  3. Click Add members:

    add members button

  4. You can either add people individually, by entering or pasting in their name (optional) and email address (required). Add one person per line (press Enter for a new line), with a space or comma between name and email address:

    entering a name, pressing space, then adding an email address

  5. Or you can bulk-add people by uploading a file (CSV or Excel). Either drag-and-drop the file or click Select it from your computer instead to locate the file and upload:

    arrow pointing to option to select file for uploading

  6. You have two options for adding members to your group. Click the circle next to an option to either:

    - Option 1: Add people directly. Tick the box to send a welcome email (you can edit this before sending) and click Add:

    - Option 2: Invite people to join. This automatically includes sending an invite email (you can edit this before clicking Invite):

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