How to customise 'welcome' and invite messages

Gaggle Mail offers default emails you can use to welcome Members and invite people. These are in English, but you can customise with your own message and language.

This article covers:

How to customise welcome emails

When a new Member joins a group, they can receive a welcome email. This explains things like how the list works, how to change settings, quick start guide, and where to get support.

  1. Login and go to the group where you want to customise the welcome message
  2. Click Design > Welcome message tab:

  3. Click the Use custom welcome message toggle:

  4. Click Edit Welcome Message to customise and then click Save:

How to customise invite emails

  1. Login and go to the group where you want to customise the welcome message
  2. Click Design > Member invite tab:

  3. Click the Use custom member invite toggle:

  4. Click Edit Invite Message to customise and then click Save:

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