Administrators and Moderators explained

Every Gaggle Mail group has at least one Administrator. This is usually the person who created the group, although they don't have to be a group Member.

Administrators are the only people who can:

  • Add, edit, and remove Members
  • Change group settings
  • Add or remove Administrators (you can have as many Administrators as you want)
  • Access other Members' settings
  • Moderate messages (if Moderation is activated)

This article covers:

How to make a Member an Administrator and/or Moderator

  1. Login, go to the group and click Members:

  2. Click the Member's name and in the sidebar under Roles, tick the box next to the role:

How to make a non-Member an Administrator

  1. Login and select the group where you want to add the non-Member
  2. Click Settings:

  3. Scroll to Administrators, enter the email address and click Invite:

How to make a non-Member a Moderator

  1. Login and select the group where you want to add the non-Member
  2. Click Moderation:

  3. Scroll to Moderators, enter the email address and click Invite:

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