Restricted Senders

The restricted senders list is a list of people who are not allowed to send to a group. Often only administrators and members are allowed to send to a group but if you've set your group to allow anyone to send to it then you may want to restrict some people.

This is most useful when you're having trouble with certain people sending unsolicited messages (aka spam). Being on the restricted senders list means your group is silently rejected without informing the original sender. Administrators can enable notifications to be alerted when someone has had a message rejected.

As well as specifying individual email addresses, you can also specify wildcard email addresses to restrict a particular domain. For example, adding * would disallow anyone with a email from sending to the group.

A less severe alternative to adding someone to the restricted senders list maybe to enable moderation on your group and set that person to have their messages moderated. This then does give you the opportunity to approve or reject their messages.

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