How to customise message content

You can add different fonts, colours, formatting, links, and images to the Member welcome and invite messages, and group message footer.

Whenever you start customising, you can use the toolbar:

You can also insert tags. Some of these can automatically change, for example based on Member and group names. Add any of the following to your customisations:

Tag Description
**some bold text** Make text bold (or use the toolbar button)
[a link]( A link with the text "a link" (or use the toolbar button)
|MemberName| New Member’s name
|MemberEmail| New Member’s email address
|MemberLink| or |MemberLink:Link Text| The link to the new Member’s settings page. Replace 'Link Text' to use your own wording for the link.
|GroupName| Name of your group
|GroupName| Name of your group
|GroupDescription| Description of your group
|GroupEmail| Email address of your group
|AdminEmail| List owner’s email address
|Logo| Insert the group logo ( Only available in group footer,  requires a professional subscription)
|SentBy| Email address of who sent the original email  ( Only available in group footer)
|Mute| or |Mute:Link Text| Add a link to mute the thread for this message  ( Only available in group footer)
|Unsubscribe| or |Unsubscribe:Link Text| Add a link for Members to click to unsubscribe. Use 'Link Text' to add your own link wording ( Only available in group footer).
|ReportSpam| or |ReportSpam:Link Text| Add a link for Members to report the message as spam. Use 'Link Text' to add your own link wording ( Only available in group footer).
|ReplyGroup| or |ReplyGroup:Link Text| Add a link to allow the recipient to reply to the group. Use 'Link Text' to add your own link wording ( Only available in group footer).
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