Organization home page: Overview

An Organization home page is where Administrators can manage access and allow non-Members to join. You can customise the appearance, and make it publicly available for online signups.

  1. To view a home page, click an Organization from My Groups:

  1. Click Customise:

  2. You can now customise the page with a:

    - Logo (appears on Daily Digest emails and your group site)

    - Colour scheme (add branding with hue, saturation, and lightness)

    - Hosted domains (have all emails sent and received from your domain rather than from

    - Group description (introduce the group)

    - Subdomain (URL where people can access the home page)

  3. You can also choose whether to only allow logged-in Members to view the page, or to allow anyone (useful if you also allow online sign-ups):

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