Adding Members: Format for names and email addresses

When adding or inviting Members, there are different formats you can use.

Contact details

Always include the email address. The name is optional.

How to add Members

Enter one Member's details per line.

Put a space or comma between the email address and the name (if you are including it). You can put the name or email address first.

Delivery status

You can also specify how the Member receives emails. Either add digest or paused.

Examples that work

Example Why it works Contains email address
John Appleseed Contains space between name and email address
John Appleseed, Contains comma between name and email address
John Appleseed digest Contains space between name and email address and delivery status

Examples that won't work

Example Why it won't work Contains two email addresses on one line
John Appleseed digest Doesn't contain email address
John Appleseed Invalid email address
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