Refund policy
TLDR: We give refunds – no questions asked.
(we're not in the business of making money from unhappy customers)
Monthly plans
We'll always refund your most-recent monthly payment, no questions asked.
Meant to cancel but forgot? No worries, just let us know; we'll refund your payment.
Annual plans
We'll refund all unused months plus the current month.
So if you:
Cancel in Month 1
We refund your full 12-month annual payment
Cancel during Month 2
We refund 11 months of the annual payment
Cancel during Month 3
We refund 10 months of the annual payment
- (and so on until Month 12)
Started a subscription and then didn't use the service?
We're very happy to refund 100% of what you paid, no questions asked - just let us know.