Changing group sizes: Billing impact

Explore the impact on your subscription if your group size changes.

'What happens if I need to change the size of my group after I’ve started a subscription?'

We do a pro rata calculation. Based on what's been used, we either add or subtract the different from your next bill.

Example if your group increases in size

  • Group paying £10 a month for 100 members
  • Billing is 1st of the month, paid in advance

Halfway through the month (15th), members increase to 300, so your new subcription is £30.

You've already paid £10 for the full month, so you have a £5 credit (because it's only halfway through the month).

The second half of the month is now at the new rate of £30. Half of 30 is 15, so that costs £15.

£15 minus the £5 credit = £10 owed. This will be added to next month's bill (now £30 a month). Together it will be £10 + £30 = £40. Then the following month will be £30.

If paying annually and your group members increase dramatically, we reserve the option to submit an interim invoice before the next billing period

Example if your group decreases in size

Let's reverse the above example:

  • Group paying £30 a month for 300 members
  • Billing is 1st of the month, paid in advance

Halfway through the month (15th), members decrease to 100, so your new subcription is £10.

You've already paid £30 for the full month, so you have a £15 credit (because it's only halfway through the month).

The second half of the month is now at the new rate of £10. Half of 10 is 5, so that costs £5.

Using your £15 credit for the £5 leaves you with £10 credit. This will be put towards next month's bill (now £10 a month). So next month you'll have £0 to pay. Then the following month will be £10.

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