Message labels

Add labels to organise and categorise your messages into topics. Use these to filter and find messages, and allow members to route and mute messages with labels. Multiple labels can be added and removed.

When someone adds a label to a message, it is visible to everyone in the group.

This article covers:

How to add your first label

  1. Login and click the group where you want to add the label
  2. Click the label icon in the group inbox:

  3. Click Add your first message label:

  4. Enter the label name and click Add:

  5. Click to add a label colour and whether to make it a favourite:

How to filter by labels

  1. Favourites appear above the group inbox as a clickable filter:

  1. You can also click Filter to search the label's name:

How to manage labels

  1. Click the label icon from the group inbox:

  2. Click an icon to: Edit the label name (1), delete the label (2), edit the label colour (3), mark as a favourite (4):

How to use labels in messages

When you create a label, Gaggle Mail automatically creates a matching hashtag:

Include these in subject lines to automatically assign the related label.

For example, if you have an Accounts label then include #accounts somewhere in the email subject line.

This saves you time when manually organising messages, and helps members who may have muted a label.

How members can mute labels

Group members not interested in specific topics can mute all messages labelled with the topic. This can be useful for large groups sending lots of messages. They won't receive the message but can still view in the Message Archive.

Members can visit their member settings, scroll to Muted labels, click Select messages to mute, and select the labels:

To unmute, click the X next to the label

How to view which labels members have muted

  1. Go to My Groups and click the group:

    Sidebar with arrow pointing at My Groups

  2. Click Members:

    members button in sidebar

  1. Click the three dots on the Member's name and click Details:

  2. Scroll down to Muted labels:

  1. To unmute the label, click the X next to the label
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