Group notifications: Overview

Group notifications keep you updated on everything that's happening in a group. You can receive these instantly, and/or in a digest.

Where to find group notifications

  1. Login and click the group where you want to view notifications
  2. Click Notifications in the sidebar:

What notifications you can receive

  • Member settings

    Updates to email address, delivery preferences, when a member has been blocked (due to delivery failures) or unblocked

  • Member invites

    When an invite is issued, accepted, rejected, or cancelled

  • New member requests

    When someone applies to join a group, is accepted, or rejected

  • Messages

    When messages are sent, sent to subsets, deleted, or when a message has failed to deliver

  • Moderation

    When a message arrives and needs moderating, has been approved and sent to the group, or has been rejected

  • System

    When a group setting has been changed

How to choose notifications to receive

Tick the box next to each notification type, and select whether to receive as an instant email, or a digest.

There's also the option to tick Select All (at the top of the columns):

Notification digests overview

Instead of getting a notification every time something happens in your group, you can get a digest.

To select how often you get a digest:

  1. Scroll to Notifications digest
  2. Click the dropdown to select the frequency. There's also a button to Send digest now:

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