Daily digest overview

The daily digest allows you to receive a full day's worth of messages in one email. Instead of receiving messages as soon as they're sent to your group.

What the daily digest contains

The subject line and message for every message sent over each 24-hour period. You can click on any digest message to read it from your membership preferences page.

How to reply to messages in the daily digest

If you have a Gaggle Mail account you can also reply to messages from the daily digest. Under every message there are two buttons:

Click View message to view the email in the Message Archive where you can reply.

Click Send me this message to receive the email in your inbox. Then you can use your regular email client, with its formatting tools, such as fonts, signatures, and headers.

Limits to the daily digest

The daily digest lists a maximum 100 messages. These are the 100 most recent messages. You can view older messages if you've created a member account.

How to select a daily digest

Open your membership preferences page and scroll to Delivery. Click to select Daily digest:

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