
Use labels to categorize messages around different topics. You can then quickly see all messages for a topic by filtering on the label. They can also be used by members to mute messages for a topic they're not interested in. Messages can have multiple labels, which can be added or removed anytime.

Labeling messages is a group-wide operation; labels are not specific to any one group member. When someone adds a label to a message, it is visible to everyone in the group.

Adding labels

Add labels to a message by clicking the label button in the header of any message and start typing. Existing labels will be filtered as you type, and if the label you want to add doesn't exist, just type it in and hit Enter, and a new label will be created.

Filtering by Labels

To filter your messages by a label, either click the label itself from a message or start typing in the filter list above your messages.

Managing Labels

Group administrators can add, edit and remove labels in the Message Labels screen. This is accessible by clicking the labels button in the toolbar in the group Messages screen.

Here, you can choose the colour for a label and include a quick link to that label in the Messages toolbar. Here, you will also see the #hashtag for each label; these are used to apply labels to incoming messages; see "Labels for Incoming Messages" below.

Labels for Incoming Message

Labels can be assigned to messages sent to a group by using #hashtags. For example, if you want a particular message to have the "Accounts" label, you would add a #accounts hashtag in the message subject, i.e. "Provisional Q1 2024 annual returns #accounts".

In addition to saving the trouble of manually categorising messages, adding labels using #hashtags is particularly useful when members have muted certain labels.

Muting Labels

If a member is not interested in a particular topic within the group, they can choose to mute all messages with the label associated with that topic. When someone mutes a label, any message sent to the group with that label will not go out to that member. This also applies for peeople using the Daily Digest. However, the message will still be in the message archive for them to see.

This is very useful for busy groups that discuss a wide range of topics, but when not every member wants to be involved in every topic.

Members can choose which labels they'd like to mute from their personal membership page, and group administrators can see and edit muted labels for members from the group Members list.

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