API - Delete Members

POST https://gaggle.email/api/v2/delete-members

Delete members of an existing group.



api_key (string) Your API key (see API Introduction)
group_address (string) The @gaggle.email address of the group
all_groups Boolean (default: True). Where members should be removed from all groups in the Organization.
emails (list) List of member email addresses to delete. See example.


This example shows deleting two members from the group.

POST https://gaggle.email/api/v2/delete-members


'api_key': <your-api-key>,

'group_address': 'test-group@gaggle.email',

'all_groups': True,

'emails': [






Status code 200 signifies success.

status (string)

success: all members successfully deleted

failed: no members delete

message (string) optional error message


'status': 'failed',

'message': 'you are not an administrator of the group'


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